Welcome wagon

On a perfect fall afternoon, the iconic Budweiser Clydesdales helped kick off the presidential debate festivities with a short parade across the Danforth Campus.

Student journalists cover news ‘on the world stage’

debate hall prep

While reporting live from a presidential debate may seem a daunting challenge for a student journalist, the students from Student Life, WUPR and WUTV seem to have it covered, bringing creative approaches, fresh angles, and a remarkable enthusiasm to their efforts.

Ready for our close-up

A supporting cast of student volunteers, local police officers, vendors, student audience members and WashU staff are playing important roles in this historic debate.

You want numbers? We got ’em

Hosting a presidential debate requires a lot of … well, everything. Here is a look at what it takes (so far) to make sure one of the most important events in the presidential election season goes off without a hitch.

Here come the media

This year, students again will have multiple opportunities to appear as extras on national broadcasts when the national media descend upon the Danforth Campus on Saturday, Oct. 8, and Sunday, Oct. 9.